

主よ。善良な人々や心の直ぐな人々に、いつくしみを施してください。詩篇125:4 教会の集会の最後に、牧師が信者を祝福するための祝祷を祈ります。この詩には同じような祈りかあります。神様の祝福、欲しいですね!今日から16日、聖書朗読はヨブ記です。 読みながら、自分に聞きましょう: 私はヨブに似ているのか、そのアドバイスをしようとした友達に似ているのか? 聖書朗読 ヨブ記1-4 詩篇125 Psalm 125: 4 Do good, O Lord, unto those that be good, and to them that are upright in their hearts. Often at the end of a service, there is a benediction, a prayer of blessing on God's people. Here, the Psalmist prays for the goodness of God on the upright. Starting today and continuing through the 16th, our Bible reading is the book of Job. As we read through it, we should be asking ourselves, "Am I like Job or am I more similar to his friends in regards to being upright?"

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