

「ああ過ぎた年月のようであったらよいのだが、神がわたしを守ってくださった日のようであったらよいのだが。 あの時には、彼のともしびがわたしの頭の上に輝き、彼の光によってわたしは暗やみを歩んだ。 わたしの盛んな時のようであったならよいのだが。あの時には、神の親しみがわたしの天幕の上にあった。 あの時には、全能者がなおわたしと共にいまし、わたしの子供たちもわたしの周囲にいた。 ヨブ記 29:2‭-‬5 JA1955 昔のことを懐かしく思い出し、その日に戻れたらと思っていたヨブの言葉です。全てを失っただけではなく、役に立たない、ヨブを責めるだけのアドバイスをする友人に囲まれている。私たちも過去を懐かしく考えたり、戻ったりしたい時もありますね!ただ、あまりそれをしすぎると、今の信仰生活に悪影響をするかもしれないし、今の目の前にある祝福や大切な人たちを見えなくもなります。今日のために生きて、今日の周りにいる人たちを感謝しましょう。 聖書朗読 ヨブ記29-31 Oh that I were as in months past, as in the days when God preserved me; When his candle shined upon my head, and when by his light I walked through darkness; As I was in the days of my youth, when the secret of God was upon my tabernacle; When the Almighty was yet with me, when my children were about me; Job 29:2‭-‬5 KJV Job longingly looks back at his past which is easy to understand as he was currently in a very dark time. God had allowed everything to be taken away and his so called friends weren't helping the situation with their judgemental and bad advice. In vs5 he mentions being surrounded by his children who had now been taken away. It's hard to see children grow up but we shouldnt be so busy looking back longingly that we miss the importance of today and the ones that are right in front of us.

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